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Engage Education

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We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.




We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
Peer Observation Programme (Looking At Different Teaching + Learning Focuses)

Peer Observation Programme (Looking At Different Teaching + Learning Focuses)

This is a programme of peer assessments in education. It contains 16 different peer observation sheets, each having a different teaching and learning focus. The benefits of using different teaching and learning focuses in peer observations are: By giving each peer observation a different teaching focus to observe, it will encourage teachers to think about different areas of teaching and learning. It will ensure that completing a series of peer observations every year remains interesting. The process is less threatening and judgemental. The aim of observation is to think about the teaching and learning area of focus and for all staff involved to learn from the experience. The quality of the lesson itself is not to be analysed. Peer Observation Sheets Included: Behaviour Management Differentiation Questioning: Pitch Questioning: Intent Questioning: Different Questioning Activities Questioning: Differentiation Through Questioning Questioning: Pupil Involvement Individual Pupil Engagement Class Engagement Teacher’s Use Of Language Language Directed At An Individual Pupil Teacher’s Movement (Monitoring) Links To Other Subjects VAK Who Leads The Learning? What I Can Use In My Own Teaching This resource programme also includes an introduction text and a powerpoint presentation that can be used to launch the peer observation programme in a staff meeting. Organisation Of The Peer Observation Programme: • Teachers agree to complete a peer observation. (More than one teacher can observe one member of staff) • A meeting between the staff involved is held before the observation in which the time of the observation and the lesson focus is decided. • The teacher being observed plans the lesson with the teaching and learning focus in mind. • The lesson is observed with the observer completing the relevant peer observation form. • The teachers hold a post-lesson discussion, both completing the details on the observation form and discussing the lesson focus in detail. • The observer completes their peer observation record chart and shared it with the SLT. • The number of peer observations required in a year is decided by the SLT, but staff may wish to conduct more observations than this.
Medium Term Plan Template For Any Novel Or Play

Medium Term Plan Template For Any Novel Or Play

This template can be used when writing a medium term plan for any book or play. It contains tables for suggested reading writing and speaking + listening activities and for the novel’s themes. It also contains a rationale which explains the school’s policy for teaching literature. This is a valuable time saving resource for English teachers and Heads/Leads. It is quick and easy to complete, but includes all the relevant details and an impressive rationale.